Why Project Manager should get interested in organizational culture

Termín prednášky bol 23.10.2024 od 10:50 - 11:20
V rámci podujatia Projektový manažment 2024: Inovácie v projektovom riadení

* Projects nowadays often have AI-based components. AI brings disruption not only to industries, changing business models and creating opportunities for new competitors.  They also deeply impact employees’ and managers’ ways of working. They change processess, tools, job roles, organization. They also require new mindset and behaviours which sometimes mean the need to change corporate culture, too. * Also, the ultimate impact of AI on jobs is not known yet – we are on the beginning of implementation path, still experimenting. It brings additional uncertainity for employees. New jobs are created while some of existing ones dissapear, or at least there is lower demand for them. Which more frequently brings fears rather than the sense of opportunity. * To be successful in such situation, Project Managers need to understand which are the specific people-related risks in such context and how to manage them. The key is in the organization culture, because it impacts these types of project directly and strongly.

Why Project Manager should get interested in organizational culture

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