Lessons from setting up hybrid projects
Termín prednášky bol 23.10.2024 od
10:00 - 10:30
V rámci podujatia Projektový manažment 2024: Inovácie v projektovom riadení
Hybrid projects face special challenges. The biggest: Such projects have two operating systems that often do not harmonize with each other. The most used agile framework Scrum is often the victim here: Scrum is bent to fit the waterfall and loses its special dynamic as a result. Analyzing more than 20 hybrid projects, past projects, ongoing and starting projects, in the Banking sector of a client of mine we develped solutions for common problems. As Scrum is not a project management methodology but an development approach that needs to framed, we used Prince2 as a management framework. I’d like to share and discuss solutions we found to reach stability and agility at the same time.