Change manager – the job for a future?

Termín prednášky bol 19.10.2022 od 11:45 - 12:30
V rámci podujatia Projekty v časoch zmien

Last over 20 years we can observe growth of project management - standards, best practices, PMO - professionalization of this role. In most organizations there are Project Managers, if someone introduces her/him self as project manager – most people will know what does such person do. Last 5 year is a similar move with change management. Since 2017 number of searches for phrase ”change manager” has grown 20 fold on Linked In. It’s a result of realizing that where there is a project requiring change in way of working, sole Project Management might be not enough – even taking into consideration PMBoK or IPMA recommendations in that area. Sometimes it is connected to project management however with growing scope of the role, it more and more becomes an independent job. Where did it come from? What are the benefits of splitting those roles? How to start such a career? Or how to remain in Project Management and have additional competency in the growing market?



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