Removing T from APT: responding efficiently to modern threats

Termín prednášky bol 18.05.2016 od 09:10 - 09:40
V rámci podujatia Bezpečná komunikácia/Šifrovanie dát

It is clear today that cybercrime evolved into a complex, sophisticated and extremely organised ecosystem. Depending on the characteristics of the organisation the probability and scale of a cyberattack would vary ranging from more than common spear fishing to some advanced digital infiltration methods known under the umbrella term of Advanced Persistent Threats (APT). In this talk we will dive into some examples of recent high profile cyberattacks that even big modern organisations were unable to contain, analyse lessons learned and discuss how modern organisations can dynamically adapt and better react to the constantly growing cyberthreats while maintaining costs of their information security program under control.

Removing T from APT: responding efficiently to modern threats

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