Keynote: Hybrid Projects: Identification and Tailoring
Termín prednášky bol 23.10.2019 od
09:10 – 09:50
V rámci podujatia 13. ročník konferencie Projektový manažment: Hybridné projektové riadenie – stratégia v praxi
t may be that time in which you find yourself in a complex project environment, where neither the “pure” predictive nor the agile project management approach will suite perfectly. Additionally you have to think about a specific organizational and cultural environment where a prudent tailoring is the basis for accepted project deliverables and overall project success.
In such a case you can apply some useful practices to identify and categorize such projects and get an answer on the most important questions regarding project organization, appropriate project roles and the planning work (scope, resources/capacities/budget, time).
The talk provides insights how you can “mix” predictive and agile methods/practices to find an appropriate approach and targeted tailoring for your project.